US virus

US virus

US virus…

aware combined creation

pneumonia -Cholera

a killer virus…

and parallel to its creation

vaccine was made plus medication

not in mass production

enough… for elites

and some locations


violent killing although planned …

with no cure …and no treatment

long period… incubation

exposed masses to infection  

easy and… hidden transfer

vast contamination

without any salvation


devil’s dream…

vanish millions …

sudden reduction

of the world population

a silent war …with no alarm

against masses

although Trump is a Fascist

but a puppet for Zionists

disregarding all agreements

to take this job…he promised

to break the rules

ban agreement …of bioweapons

1925 and 1975 …was ignored

like all the others


behind Trumps dirty grin

virus …was spread in the Wuhan

and rest of the world … in three variations

Today… Trump pays the victims

in USA …Compensation

planned attack for all the nations

attacks also …US nation  

now … down the drain

goes his luck

no votes for him in election


surely there is …in USA

made together with the virus

its …vaccine and medication

but not for all

for … Zionist- imperialists

and their desired …locations

a silent war…with no alarm

against the masses

is palpating in all the world…


great storms of poverty

are in the way

hunger …famines

security total ruin


as long as the world

is dominated …by Zionists

forget peace

piss at goal of imperialists.



Farah Notash

Vienna 18.03.2020

Poem book 8

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