


Explosion of the world's NEWS
December 2008…the 27th
Breakage of 2 running years of siege
Israeli squashing attacks
From…sky, land and sea
And Gaza
In heavy poison of a deadlock

Drops of white phosphorous bombs
White smoke and mist…white clouds
Showering shinny whites
Rain of fire…
Rain of death…
Burns radiating to marrows of bones
No cry…high enough …
Expressing many sided pains…

None stop…consecutive bombardments
Closter bombs
Heavy metals explosions…scattered in thousand bitts
Micro explosions in children's bodies
Multiple small metal particles
Targeting little hearts
US made them all
Bombs and bloody goal

Not so called at all…
Vast planned massacre
Soldiers of one side…highly equipped
And the other side
Drowned in blood…
Many civil men

Splashed…mass's blood
On chest of street
Young man's cry
No one to treat
Attacked and fallen side by side
Hatred is the least
One can ever hide

Opened Egyptian borders…
For   Israeli tanks
Rush to occupy…border of the banks
Savage infantry…as heartless robots
Killing house to house
Doctors…peace activists even red cross
Going on and on…daily massacre
But then…global silence
Further more NEWS…in Medias rare
US Israel made the life a hell
Not in Hollywood, now…is in real

Is amazing…you can even laugh
Israel…was accused as…war criminal!
Wasn't it …for gone 60 years?
Peace criminal?
Or was…ever there
Peace…in any single year

A fast incision…towards
Great Middle East plan
Wage earner's last dance
A survival chance

Golgotha and those …brutal crucifixions
Changing face to day…to
US Israeli massacre and occupation

Gaza man…
With dead child…on wounded arms
As image of truth
Walking tall
With deep human call
Don't surrender…don't despair
This is our life
Just be fair

Is not a strip…Gaza Today?
A world awakened…is Gaza Today



Farah Notash

Vienna….Jan 2008

Book 6


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